Caraval and its recently released sequel, Legendary, have the transporting quality that makes me consume a book in only one or two sittings. Open them and you will step into a jewel-bright fantasy world full of intrigue, complex heroines, and their dashing consorts. Each novel is a mystery set during Caraval, a week-long, invitation-only game set up in a magic-filled arena of the creator’s (Legend’s) design. Caraval centers on Scarlett, oldest daughter of the governor of a remote island. Scarlett receives a coveted invitation to Caraval, but is reluctant to risk the wrath of her abusive father by going. When Scarlett’s younger sister, Donatella, is apparently kidnapped and taken to the Caraval arena, Scarlett’s choice is made for her. Thus begins her quest to free Tella from Legend’s clutches; a tale of sisterly love and devotion reminiscent of Disney’s Frozen. Of course, nothing within the walls of Caraval is as it seems, from the bewitching dresses to the mysterious young man who dogs Scarlett’s footsteps. Scarlett must not lose herself, however—if she doesn’t win the game, she may never see her sister again.
What a delight it is, as a reader, to be swept away by the high-stakes mystery and romance of Garber’s storytelling. The metaphors are often heavy-handed, and the descriptions a little florid, but what is Caraval if not steeped in excess at every turn? The bright, saturated settings are matched by the protagonists’ keenly-felt emotions, which are often overly angst-ridden for my taste, but these are teen novels, after all. If you are a lover of enchantment, you will find something to enjoy in the lands of Caraval and Legendary.
Recommended by Sophie