Nocturnal Animals is a dark and devilishly stylish thriller from Tom Ford, who knows a thing or two about style having worked as creative director for both Gucci and Yves Saint Lauren in the past. It could have been in danger of being a case of style over substance, however, Ford's perfectionism makes this one of the most powerful films I've seen all year.
"Nocturnal Animals" tells the story of Susan (Amy Adams), a very successful art designer who "has everything": The problem? She rarely ever sleeps, and current husband Hutton (Armie Hammer) is never around. In short, she is very dissatisfied with her life. One day, she receives a manuscript from ex- husband Edward (Jake Gyllenhaal) that is dedicated to her. As she reads Edward's story (a tale depicted on screen as a man losing his wife and daughter in West Texas and hunting down the men who kidnapped them), she flashes back to her time spent with Edward in hopes of understanding why it is devoted to her.
Adapted from Austin Wright's 1993 novel Tony and Susan (click here to place the book on hold.), Ford expertly weaves three narratives, each with their unique look, tone and mood, into a brooding character study. This film often makes you feel uncomfortable yet draws you in to the point where you cannot look away. It has an artistic aspect to it that is rarely seen in Hollywood--namely creativity without regard to political correctness. It is rich with the realities of life and full of passion, power, betrayal and love.
Recommended by Monica Shine
Click here to place on hold.
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